Sunday, July 19, 2009

Happy B-Day Avana!

I can't believe my little girl turned 3 today! It seems just like yesterday I was bringing her home from the hospital. She has been such a blessing to us and we love her VERY Much! Here is my beautiful, curly headed B-day girl right before opening her presents!

She got several gifts. She got her very first Mickey Mouse sleeping bag and pillow. Now she can get hers out when sissy gets hers out. Avana loves to dress up. I got her a bunch of play wigs and a flapper outfit and as you can see her aunt Lauren and Uncle Andy along with her sister were trying them out. But of all her gifts her favorite is her princess four-wheeler. It is so easy for her to drive and manuver. She had a big time even though we didn't have a big party with a bunch of people. The most important people were there to celebrate it with her and that is family.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Workin at the Car Wash!

On the 4th of July my aunt and uncle roasted a hog and everyone ate supper at their house. Well, we got there a little early and Avana and Jayden, my cousin's girl, decided to wash the car. Avana wasn't too sure about gettin in the sudsy water as much as Jayden in the beginning but ended up getting quite into it. Here are just a few pics of them "washing the car".

Monday, June 29, 2009

Random Update

I have been on vacation this week only because my doctors that I transcribe for were on vacation. Not a very good one I might add. I just made a doctors appointment for myself for tomorrow as I have been having back problems. I have been having them for about a month now but kinda ignored them. Well, needless to say it has not gotten better. I don't know what I did but hopefully they can tell me something tomorrow. Everyone has been giving me a hard time about it since it is getting closer to time for us to start painting and now I am down in my back. People, I didn't plan on hurting my back so please get off of my back about it! I have still been helping Adam paint the outside posts of the house but I feel it when I get done and start to try to relax. On another note, here are some pics that I took of my kiddos on Father's Day and some of me and my brothers with my dad. Adam had to work on Father's Day so that is why I don't have a pic of the girls with him at church. He shys away from the camera because he says,"I know where those pictures you take end up and I don't want my pictures on there."
When we get through painting the posts on the outside of hte house I will post a new pic of it. We have 17 posts all together. They take time to prime and then paint them and with it so freakin hot outside Adam and I only work in the late, late afternoon on them so we only get about one or two done at a time. We have 8 of them done. 9 more to go. UGHHHH! Please pray that my back problems is just a pulled muscle. I don't think it is my kidney but I am no doctor so it could be. I just hope it is not a slipped disc or something along that nature!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hairy Booger!

I have been meaning to get on here and update my blog ever since last Wednesday night. Avana pulled a good one on me at church! Here goes the story.

We were having a three day revival last week and Wednesday was the last night. We made it all the way through preaching pretty well without much disturbance with Avana coloring and looking at books. She kept going from my lap to Adam's lap. When they were getting ready to dismiss the preacher called on Adam to say the dismissal prayer. He was holding Avana. Well, I kept hearing her whispering momma but I just kept my eyes closed thinking that she would just hush since I wasn't paying her any attention. After the prayer was over she kept pointing to my hair. I said what is it. She says "Momma, you have a booger in your hair!". She was trying to get my attention to get a booger off of her finger but I was ignoring her so she wiped it in my hair! I had to beg Adam to get it out and not make me walk out of the church with it hanging in my hair! All I could do was laugh. She is all the time coming up to me with one on her finger wanting me to get it off. Even in the car she hollars, "Momma, Booger!". NE Ways she taught me a lesson in paying attention when she is trying to tell me something.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Memphis Zoo Trip

This past weekend my m-i-l and I took the girls to the Memphis Zoo. The weather was perfect for our mini-vacation. Brooke wanted to get her face painted and so little miss Avana had to have hers done too. They turned out really cute. This monkey looked like he/she was actually smiling for the picture I was taking of him/her.

Avana had the map that we got at the entrance and she carried it the whole time. She liked the Panda Bears.

Here are just a few shots of Libby and the girls and a couple more animal shots. We spent the most time, I think, watching the mirkats. They are so animated and put on a show. They pose for pictures too. Kinda like that Monkey. The cheetahs were kinda givin me the creeps. They were pacing back and forth like they were trying to figure out a way to get out of that pen. Brooke caught this one's eye and we went on our way. I didn't want to be real close when they did decide to leap out of there as there would be no out running them.

I love this tiger picture. This is the very first picture I took when we got there of an animal. He just looks so majestic sitting there on that ledge. Needless to say, we had a great time. We stayed the night in Cordova, TN and got up Saturday morning and did a little shopping. But, of course, the girls wasn't much on shopping. There is a store there called Gordman's. It is awesome. We are getting one in Little Rock in October! Can't wait!

Well, it has been a little while since I have updated on the house! As you can see we now have siding and part of our roofing on. The posts for the porch are supposed to be in Wednesday and then the fun begins for me as I get to start painting them. I really haven't got to help do much to this point as I don't have a clue about most of this stuff but painting and staining I can handle. We got to order our rock to go around the bottom of the house and on the fireplace sometime this week as they are going to get started on that pretty soon. Adam and his friend, Scott, have been doing the electrical. They are going to try to finish roughing all that in today so the insulation can be put in the end of this week or next week. It is coming right along. I am sure that is is fixin to slow down considerably once we get to the inside stuff. Met with the cabinet man and he is getting starting on those also. I will post more pics of the house when we get the posts up and painted and the rest of the roofing is on. Thanks for checking in on us!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Doors and Windows!

Yeah, we have windows and doors!!!!! The plumbers came this week and got the tub/showers set and got quite a bit done on the inside. Adam and a buddy of his is going to work tomorrow on pulling wire for the electrical. The metal roof will be delivered Tuesday and depending on the weather, as always, they will start putting it up soon along with the siding. Everything is falling into place. We get more excited every day with the new progress. Sorry it has taken so long to post a picture. We feel like we are running a race against time here these days. Between my work and Adam's work, Brooke playing softball, doing very well I might add, and the house I really don't have any spare time. My house loooks like a catastrophe right now because I haven't had much time to clean either. Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day!